
13 April 2018

L Is For "Lijar" {To Sand} | A To Z Challenge

In my ongoing efforts to learn Spanish, I'm featuring a different Spanish word each day during April as part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I'm also sharing the random thoughts that pop into my head when I try to pronounce them.

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Today's Spanish word is >>lijar<< (to sand). And now for some random thoughts:

1 - One of the things boat owners dread is sanding the bottom of their boat before reapplying anti-foul paint (a magical potion which keeps barnacles and the like from growing on the bottom). It's not exactly a fun job, especially when it's sweltering outside and you're wearing protective gear.

2 - The last time we did our bottom paint, I tried sanding the rudder. The electric sander weighs a ton and the vibration your hands is unbelievable. Fortunately, Scott came to the rescue and finished the job.

3 - This is a picture of our boat after we bought her - you can see the blue paint which has to be sanded down before you can put on anti-foul paint.

4 - Anti-foul paint is insanely expensive. The stuff on our boat costs around $300 a gallon.

Have you ever used an electric sander? What's your favorite word that starts with "L"?

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Check out the other folks participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge here.


  1. You and Scott seem like such a lovely team. ~hugs~ I never knew any product could be that expensive. Wow. Hope you don't have to do that often. I actually enjoyed sanding a garden stake a few weeks ago, when fixing my wind spinner upon a friend's suggestion. It felt good to wield a tool and not just words. But a few minutes was plenty. ~grin~ My favorite L word has to be Luna. I swear that cat was my soul mate. And SO agrees. I became her entire reason for existence, more than food or the other two cats she later ignored, even over catnip. Heh... Sauntering into my heart when all my life cats sent me to the ER with an asthma attack, she got me on the right medications and in better health. Be well!

    1. We are actually kind of a lovely team :-) You're so lucky to have such a sweet cat and soul mate.

  2. L is also for LOVELY as in LOVELY BOAT! How often do you have to use the anti-foul paint?


    1. It depends on a lot of things - what kind of paint you use, whether you haul your boat out in the off-season, where you sail etc. We'll be doing ours again this year.

  3. Hopefully you don't have to do it too often.

    1. Unfortunately, it does have to be done from time to time :-(

  4. I didn't realize how powerful a sander could be. Started one up once and it shot across the table I was refinishing. It scared me so much, I now nail a piece of sandpaper to a block and sand with that. LOL

    1. Been there, done that :-) They really can get away with you.

  5. Good one! Oh, this is a word we learned very well living on El Galeon! 170 feet of wood-clad Spanish tall ship, the maintenance never ended...

    1. I can't even begin to imagine how much work is involved in maintaining El Galeon!

  6. Right now LUNCH is my favorite L word. I'm hungry.

    I've not used a sander. I'm sure hubby has, but we don't work on our boat. We have others do this type of thing. We are old and it would do us in.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    1. Lunch is a great word! I'm always thinking about my next meal :-)

  7. $300? Ouch! If you're looking for something a little more economical, have you checked out the Petit and/or Sea Hawk lines? We pay somewhere in the $150 range for a 60% copper antifouling paint. I don't remember the name of it offhand, but it's very similar to Interlux's Micron Extra and I love how it applies and hardens up (it's an ablative). If you're interested, let me know and I'll search for the name in the boat log.

    1. We were stuck with what the previous owner had used, unfortunately. This time around, we're thinking of stripping it right back and going with something different. Love to know the name of what you used.

  8. I want to learn Spanish too! I keep telling my kids we need to work on it together :) I purchased an electric sander last summer when I bought my house. I haven’t used it yet. Cheers to you Ellen :)

    1. I think it would be fun to study it with kids. They'd keep you on your toes as kids seem to learn languages much better than us adults.

  9. Yes, i have used an electric sander and i hope i never have to do that again!

  10. Sander never - but L is for Luminescence and other great words like......Love.

  11. A favorite L word...how about LOVE is all around.

  12. Oh, no, lijar es muy malo. I think you should forget this word in Spanish. In fact forget it in English or any other language you know it. And if Scott ever asks you to sand the boat, say, "Que?" "Que es eso?" "No entiendo." "No hablo inglés." And then run away.

    1. I agree - lijar es muy malo. Neither of us is looking forward to hauling out to do this. I like your idea of running away, but Scott has longer legs so he'll outrun me :-)


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