
23 April 2018

T Is For "Timonel" {Helmsman} | A To Z Challenge

As part of my ongoing efforts to learn Spanish, I'm highlighting a Spanish word each day as part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I'm also sharing the random thoughts that pop into my head when I try to pronounce them.

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Today's Spanish word is >>timonel<< (helmsman). And now for some random thoughts.

1 - The helmsman is the person who is steering the boat. A pretty important job, cause crashing your boat into another boat or a reef, rocks, the shore, a shipping container etc. would kind of spoil the day big time.

2 - Machines can steer your boat too. We have autohelm steering which does the work for us. Yes, the robots are taking over the world, but in some ways, won't life be so much easier?

3 - Some robots are good (like Rosie the Robot Maid on the Jetsons), others not so good.

Have you ever helmed a boat? Do you worry about robots taking over? What's your favorite word that starts with "T"?

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Check out the other folks participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge here.


  1. This is maybe the most important word on a boat?

  2. The closest i've ever come to helming a boat was steering a small canoe or kayak. If i had an extra life to spare, i wouldn't mind spending it learning to sail.

    1. Learning to sail is interesting - I think it comes more naturally for some people than others. I fall into the latter category.

  3. No sane person would want me at the helm. ~grin~ But I am usually the one behind the wheel of a car. It's been that way since I first got my license. Even my father handed over the keys to his enormous truck whenever we went somewhere during his visit last week. That was interesting. I'm usually in a much tinier vehicle. As for T, I think the word tomatillo is fun. Heh...

    1. Tomatillo is a great word - I do love salsa verde.

  4. Weirdly, I hate steering our own sailboat, though I do it, especially while we're docking - saving Dan's greater strength at the bow for fending off if necessary. But I **loved** learning to helm the big tallship we work on during the summers! Go figure.

    1. I am surprised by that. How interesting that you loved helming El Galeon.

  5. I do like helming the boat, but only if we're sailing. David does too, so I can't take my hands off the wheel for a minute or I lose it for the rest of the day . . . that's something I'm going to miss once we sell the boat.

    1. I bet Scott wishes that there was a competition for helming our boat. I'm happy for him to do it all, which isn't really fair.

  6. Yes I've helmed a boat many times. I love it too.

    I'm not worried about robots taking over. Often they do a better job than humans.

    My favorite word that starts with "T" is thankful.

    Have a fabulous day, Ellen. ♥

    1. As always, you've picked another great word.

      I'm afraid more and more robots will take over jobs that humans did. I wonder what the world will be like then.

  7. I'm picking up a lot of Spanish vocabulary on my visits here. Of course, being a landlubber, I'm not sure I'll be able to use this a lot, but I'll store it away just in case.

    1. You never know - maybe someone in Spain or Latin America will ask you to crew on their boat :-)

  8. Interesting post. I've never helmed a boat!

  9. I HAVE helmed a boat! No big ones, though.

  10. As a writer, thinking of the helm of a boat is a nice metaphor don't you think?

    1. So many possible writing ideas, metaphors etc. that sailing terminology can inspire :-)

  11. I have never helmed a boat but I do think this is one area where it would be nice to have an autopilot at times. Weekends In Maine

  12. Our small trailer sailor had a tiller and I used to enjoy holding it and steering the boat so the wind filled the sails. It was preferable to all the other jobs I had to do while my husband shouted orders from the stern.

    1. I can see why helming the boat might be preferable. There are a lot of not so pleasant jobs on a boat :-)

  13. Auto-timonel? Hopefully, not the Terminator. The problem with the robots is the programmer I fear.

  14. From precision machining & manufacturing to jig grinding, everything about car manufacturing today is based on automation. Robots and automation aren’t our future- they are the present and future, both.
    However hiring experts to design prototypes, that suit your manufacturing requirements is vital.


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