
05 September 2018

Simon Goes Nuts For Catnip | IWSG

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is a place to share and encourage, where writers can express their doubts and concerns without appearing foolish or weak. It's a great place to mingle with like minded people each month during IWSG day.

Every month there's an optional question which may prompt folks to share advice, insights, a personal experience or story. Some folks answer the question in their IWSG blog post or let it inspire them if they're struggling with what to say.

This month's question is:

"What publishing pathway are you considering / did you take, and why?"

Check out how people have answered this month's question, as well as the other insecurities and writing topics they may have shared by visiting the IWSG sign-up list here. If you want to see how I answered the question, have a look below. 

* * *

Image via The Graphics Fairy

"Simon, get off of my laptop." I set my coffee cup down next to my computer and stared at the unresponsive ball of fur. "Simon, come on, I need to work."

The large gray cat lifted his head and gave me a haughty look. "Leave me alone, lady. It's my nap time." He stretched out, completely covering the keyboard and erasing all of my work in the process.

"Aargh! You deleted my IWSG post!" I tried to shoo Simon off of the table, but he wasn't having it. Then I remembered the secret weapon I had stashed away. I opened a drawer, pulled out a small bag, and waved it in front of the feline's nose. "Do you want some catnip?"

Simon started meowing loudly and batting at the bag. I sprinkled some of the dried leaves on the settee and watched as Simon darted across the room in a frenzy. While he rolled around in the catnip, purring loudly and kneading the cushions, I tried to resurrect my blog post.

"Oh, this is hopeless, Simon," I said. "There's no way I can rewrite this before IWSG day."

Simon stared at me for a few moments with a glazed look in his eyes, then rolled on his back and promptly fell asleep.

"I guess I'll have to take a leaf out of your book and be lazy about my answer to this month's question. Rather than tell everyone what publishing path I took and why, I'll point them to my author blog where I've already addressed this before."

I looked over at Simon. His paws were twitching. I wondered what he was dreaming about. I kept talking out loud despite the fact that he was ignoring me.

"I'll tell everyone to check out this post, where I talk about why I chose to self-publish my cozy mystery rather than go down the traditional publishing route. Then there was the post where I discussed the pros and cons of being exclusive with Amazon or going wide and distributing to other ebook stores, like Kobo, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iBooks, and Google Play. I went wide, by the way."

I carried on while Simon continued to chase imaginary lizards in his sleep. "Then there was the post I did earlier this week, where I shared details of my book release in numbers which illustrates some of the publishing choices I made."

After I finished typing and scheduling my post, I sat next to Simon and rubbed his belly while he purred. "See isn't catnip fun? Let's make a deal. You don't sleep on my laptop anymore and I'll reward your good behavior with catnip."

* * *

If you're interested in finding out more about what publishing path I took and why, check out these posts on my author blog:

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing - the pros and cons of both approaches to publishing and why I opted to go down the indie route.  

Amazon Exclusive vs. Going Wide - the pros and cons of making your book exclusive to Amazon and why I chose not to.

Cozy Mystery Book Release in Numbers - recap of my recent release of Murder at the Marina in numbers, including percent sold on Amazon vs. other retailers, ebook vs. paperback sales, and sales by country.

* * *

And, now for a favor. If you've read my cozy mystery, Murder at the Marina, could you take a moment to leave a review? It would mean the world to me and help other readers find my book. It doesn't have to be long - just a sentence or two would be great. You can leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. If you picked up a copy on another retailer like Kobo, Barnes & Noble, or Apple iBooks, you can also leave reviews there. Thanks for your help!

Writers - what publishing paths are you considering or have taken? Readers - does it matter to you if a book is independently or traditionally published? Do you leave book reviews?

Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - pop by and say hi!

Murder at the Marina - a lighthearted & humorous cozy sailing mystery - available in ebook and paperback format at:

Amazon (US) | Amazon (CA) | Amazon (UK) | Amazon (AU) | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple iBooks | Google Play | Book Depository | Books-A-Million

Find out more at ellenjacobsonauthor.com 


  1. I went with a small publisher for my first book (i was a newbie) and vowed never to do that ever again. I'm glad to say my agent will be in charge of finding the right publisher for me!

    1. I can see how nice it would be to have an agent managing the publishing process for you.

  2. Animals do the silliest things sometimes. I guess it's always they love that matters :) I hope everything is going well with Murder at the Marina Ellen. Happy IWSG Day!

  3. I guess Simon had the right of it this time ;) - now I'm off to your last post to understad the significance of white shoes...

    1. The white shoes issue is really interesting. Loving reading everyone's responses to it.

  4. And now you have a secret weapon to use on Simon!

  5. Lol! Simon was right. The links are just fine. Except we'd so miss reading about Simon.

  6. Great post! Simon is such a help to you :D

  7. Let's see if Simon will agree to your deal. I think he just might.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  8. Replies
    1. We've had cats that it doesn't work for. Strange, but I guess some cats don't have the gene or whatever to respond to it.

  9. My kitty is snoring beside me too. :) As a reader, it doesn't matter if a book is published traditionally or not, but I've met a few snobs out there. And yep, I do leave reviews because I know how important they are.

    1. Aww...sweet kitty! I wish I had a real one to cuddle with.

  10. You've definitely done a great job of covering this subject before. I've found your posts extremely informative.
    Bribing Simon with catnip ... sounds good, but possibly dangerous. :)

    1. Thanks, Tyrean - I'm glad you found them informative.

  11. Sometimes my cat wrote better prose than I did. I should have just turned over the keyboard to him and gone for a walk. I'm way behind in my reviewing, but I will get to your book one way or another.

    1. No rush on reading my book at all - you have so much on your plate just now and are going through such a tough time.

  12. I have so enjoyed your series on your publishing journey. Your honesty about the good, the bad, and the ugly have really encouraged me to give serious consideration to that path.And so happy that you found Simon's kryptonite!

    1. Thanks, Lee - I'm so glad you've found them helpful.

  13. That Simon sure knows how to get pampered!

    I'm way behind on my reading, but your book is on my list!

  14. Cats! I like cats. Must've been one in a previous life. I'll definitely check out your previous posts. I'm mostly indie-published, but the hows and whys of self-publishing are interesting.

  15. Simon knows what he's doing!
    I'm still in the process of deciding so I'll be checking out your posts!

    1. It's not an easy decision, probably because both are really valid choices and there are real pros and cons for each one. Good luck with your decision.

  16. I really ought to read your posts about all this writing stuff, Ellen. Sigh. I need more time, and electricity and internet!! One day...

    Unfortunately, I don't read enough either. Another time-issue... But, after reading a book of someone I know, I leave a review.

    1. You don't really appreciate electricity and internet until you live in an RV or boat.

  17. I wonder how long Simon will keep up his end of the bargain. ;)

  18. Done and done!And what a pleasure.

    You know, a cat like that would be banned from my home. ;)

  19. I enjoyed reading your pros & cons of both trad and self-publishing. Right on target. Maybe Simon would benefit from obedience training. Wait. That's for dogs who learn how to obey. Don't think cats ever learn to obey. :)

    1. No, they certainly never learn to obey. You learn to obey them :)

  20. Why rewrite what you’ve already done? Great idea to link up to your previous posts, which were very good explanations of your process. Tell Simon hello from me.

  21. Your virtual cat likes catnip as much as my real ones do. :)

    It was interesting to read how your sales are doing on various sites. I opted for Amazon-only, so I was curious how sales tracked via other places. Sounds like you're doing great! :)

    1. There are such pros/cons about going exclusive with Amazon. I know that it really works for so many people.

  22. So really, Simon helped you out because you got to share all these wonderful links that point to your publishing journey ;)

  23. Ah, catnip. So fun to watch a cat on catnip. But sometimes they can be a pain, too. I hope your book's doing well!

    1. They're hysterical when they're playing with catnip :-)

  24. This doesn't seem like a lazy post at all! Seems Simon was helping you up your creative game. Cats are wise like that.

  25. I would not trust that Simon to keep to his side of the bargain. Just sayin’ …

  26. I'm so glad that you let Simon back and found a way to control him. Your publishing adventure is fascinating - when I dive down all those rabbit-hole-reminders. In case you missed my revised review it's at: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2454849686

  27. When I read your adventures with Simon, I wish I had a cat again. sigh...Love hearing that purr in my ear. So peaceful. Give Simon a back scratching from me. I read a couple of your articles on your journey with the cozy mystery. You have so much info and so many articles for us to learn more. Thanks so much. If I didn't have my writers' group meeting in the morning, I'd spend time reading ALL of the posts! But, I'm still tweaking my submission for tomorrow. Love your leave a review graphic!!
    JQ Rose

  28. Ohhh, Simon! Fun adventures when a pet is present for sure. I'm reading your linked posts now.

  29. Aw pets! Even the imaginary ones are best when sleeping.

    Since don't read much - I usually stick to the big name traditionally published authors. I have read one other independently published book (other than yours). It was ok and I noticed some grammatical mistakes. Makes me wonder if all independent authors put as much work into publishing as you have.

  30. LOL Simon. Sucks he deleted your post, but cats...what can you do right? Well besides send them chasing catnip. LOL

    And I agree with the reasons you listed for going indie. It's not easy, but I like having more control and working on my own time table.

  31. Personally, hybrid is the way for me. I love the control and freedom of indie, but I have a lot to learn on the marketing side and it's very expensive to do well.

    My traditionally published books broaden my audience and pay for my indie ones. They're also an extra stamp of legitimacy for those who still turn their noses up at indie authors (which I don't agree with, btw!). I've met lots of wonderful people through my trad experiences--talented folks whom I've hired to help with the indie books.

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