You've probably seen these blogger awards floating around out there. Someone nominates you for an award, you answer some questions and you nominate other people. Kind of like a chain letter.
I've been nominated for some of these before - like the Liebster Award and the Sunshine Blogger Award - but it's been a while. So when I got nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award, I thought, hey, why not go for it. Live a little. Have some fun. Procrastinate unpleasant boat chores for a while. You get the idea.
The Rules
1 - Put the award/logo on your blog.
2 - List the rules.
You're reading them.
3 - Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Thanks to Angela for the nomination! Check out her blog here. She's a neat lady and fellow member of the Insecure Writer's Support Group.
4 - Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
Check out Okoto Enigma's blog here.
5 - Tell your readers three things about yourself.
See below.
6 - Nominate a whole bunch of people for the award.
I like to break rules from time to time, so rather than formally nominate anyone, I'll leave it up to all you guys. Interested in doing a post about three things about yourself? Then nominate yourself for the Mystery Blogger Award and share some fascinating facts about yourself with us.
7 - Notify your nominees.
Since I broke Rule #6, I guess I'm also breaking this rule.
8 - Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, including one funny or weird one.
Question #1 - Are you a rule follower or rule breaker and why?
Question #2 - Do you write in cursive or do you print?
Question #3 - What's your favorite cookie?
Question #4 - Do you believe in alien abduction?
Question #5 - What's the latest TV show that you binge watched?
9 - Share a link to your best post.
I don't like this rule either, so I'm going to ignore it. Instead, I'll give you a link to a page which lists all of our posts about our time living and cruising in New Zealand. Maybe you'll find something interesting there.
3 Things About Me
1 - I don't like sweet iced tea. I don't understand how people can drink it. Strange, I know, given my lifelong love of sugary treats.
2 - I don't like cartoons or animated films. Who is Nemo anyway? Why can't anyone find him? I'll never know the answers to these questions.
3 - I love roller coasters. We used to go to Geauga Lake and Cedar Point in Ohio every year as kids. Riding the roller coasters was the highlight.
Answers to Angela's Questions
1 - What's your favorite smell?
Chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. I'm sure that surprises nobody.
2 - If you could choose to keep one memory, what would it be?
Good question. This is going to require a lot of thought. Can I get back to you on this one? That is if I remember to because apparently all of my memories are about to be wiped out due to some sort of alien invasion.
3 - If you were put in charge of a meet & greet for our first alien visitors, what would your advice be?
Try a chocolate chip cookie. Just one bite and you'll be hooked.
4 - If you had to be a tree, which one would you be?
Uh, no clue. I guess one that has nice flowers. Or maybe a maple tree because I like maple syrup on my pancakes. But, how would I eat pancakes if I was a tree due to the lack of opposable thumbs?
5 - What was your favorite story book as a child?
I don't know what the name of it was, but it was a series of stories about children who lived in other countries. I didn't know what anthropology was at the time, but maybe that book sparked my interest in it and why I majored in it at college.
What about you? Want to share three things about yourself and answer my questions either in the comments or on your blog?
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