The Cynical Sailor & His Salty Sidekick
10 January 2020
Saying Goodbye To Tickety Boo | A Sad Farewell To Our Moody 346 Sailboat
Yep, it's true. We're saying goodbye to Tickety Boo, our Moody 346 sailboat. It's a very sad farewell on our part. This isn't the way we thought our future would be unfolding, that's for sure.
You might remember that about a year ago, we hauled Tickety Boo out at Indiantown Marina in Florida to check her bottom. We had leak in the bilge by the compression post which was discovered during a rigging inspection. Once the boat was out of the water, you could see that Tickety Boo had a crack in her hull by the keel stub - a pretty serious issue.
That put an immediate halt to our plans to head to the Bahamas. Instead, we headed to the workyard for repairs with the hope that we'd be back out on the water in no time.
Things didn't turn out as we hoped. We spent all of last year trying to get things sorted. The insurance process took a while to work through. Once that was finished, we lined someone up to fix Tickety Boo.
All good, right?
Nope. He bailed on us.
Then we lined someone else up. He flaked out on us.
Then we lined another person up. Yep, you guessed it . . . that didn't work out either.
Turns out it isn't easy to get someone experienced and reliable to fix your boat.
We toyed with the idea of fixing it ourselves, but decided it wasn't a project that we wanted to take on.
There we were - stuck with a broken boat that we couldn't get fixed and faced with a tough decision. An emotional roller coaster ride ensued. What to do, what to do . . . indecision took over our lives for quite a while.
By the time the end of 2019 was nearing, we were no further forward. In fact, it felt like we had moved backward. Because we wanted to make sure that we could get our boat fixed, we had put all our other boat projects on hold last year. So even if we could have managed to find someone to fix Tickety Boo in the end, we'd still have lots of other work to do on her.
Finally, we said enough is enough and we made the tough decision to say goodbye to our sweet little sailboat. Life is for living and hanging around on a broken boat in a workyard isn't our idea of living.
We're currently going through all of our stuff and deciding what to sell, what to get rid of, and what to keep as we prepare to downsize and move into our tiny camper once we've found Tickety Boo a new owner. Then we'll probably head out west. That's the extent of our plans for now. We need time to regroup and decide where to from here.
For those of you who have followed us for a while, you might remember our tiny camper. Her name is Scamper and she's a 13' Scamp travel trailer. Yeah, I know, her name isn't all that clever. Curious what she looks like? You can see pictures of her HERE.
We originally bought Scamper in 2015 and traveled around the States before buying Tickety Boo. She seemed roomy enough at the time, but after living aboard a 34' sailboat for the past four years, this is gonna involve some serious downsizing. But it will be fun. And it will be an adventure, something we've been sorely missing for the past year.
We'll be putting Tickety Boo up for sale soon and I'll post all the details here and over on our Facebook page. I'd love to get your help spreading the word when the time comes. She'd be a great project boat for someone with fiberglass skills (or who wants to learn about fiberglassing). Maybe she'd be the perfect boat for you or someone you know? Feel free to contact us if that's the case at thecynicalsailor (at) gmail (dot) com.
As for what's happening with this blog, I'm not sure yet. But, in the meantime, you can find me over at my writing blog. And if you're a Mollie McGhie fan, no worries, I still plan on writing my humorous sailing mysteries. If you want to be notified when I have new releases, please sign up for my newsletter and/or follow my Facebook author page.
08 January 2020
Hello There! You Can Find Me Over Here!
Are you looking for my monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group post? If so, you can find it over at my author blog HERE.
Yep, I know things have been quiet here on this blog but I do have a post coming soon explaining exactly what's going on. So stay tuned to find out the scoop.
In the meantime, hop on over to my author blog and find out what I have to say about my writerly journey.
Yep, I know things have been quiet here on this blog but I do have a post coming soon explaining exactly what's going on. So stay tuned to find out the scoop.
In the meantime, hop on over to my author blog and find out what I have to say about my writerly journey.
04 December 2019
Where Did She Go? Where's That IWSG Post?

Hello! Yes, I know that it's been very silent here lately. I've been hopeless at blogging and at visiting everyone's blogs. There's some stuff going on in the background and some decisions being made. As part of that, I'm trying to figure out what to do with this site. I'll give you an update once things become clearer.
But, in the meantime, I've decided to move my monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group blog posts over to my author blog. Hop on over HERE to read this month's post and find out what Simon the Cat has been getting up to lately.
06 November 2019
Writing Update & Googling Weird and Wonderful Stuff | IWSG

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is a place to share and encourage, where writers can express their doubts and concerns without appearing foolish or weak. It's a great place to mingle with like minded people each month during IWSG day.
Every month there's an optional question which may prompt folks to share advice, insights, a personal experience or story. Some folks answer the question in their IWSG blog post or let it inspire them if they're struggling with what to say.
This month's optional question is:
"What's the strangest thing you've ever googled in researching a story?"Check out how people have answered this month's question, as well as the other insecurities and writing topics they may have shared by visiting the IWSG sign-up list here. You can find out how I answered the question below.
* * *
Before I dive into this month's question, a bit of a blog and a writing update.
Let's start with the blog.
[Scratches her head and tries to figure out what to say.]
[Head hurting because she scratched it too much, she changes tack.]
Okay, let's start with the writing update. Things have been busy on the writing front. Crazy busy, but also good busy. Crazy is good, right?
I finished book #4 in my cozy mystery series and sent it to beta readers last month. {Cue all the insecurities that come with sharing your work.} I'm hoping to publish it next month if all goes well with the final revisions and my editor. And now NaNoWriMo is upon us and I'm working on book #5. Plus, I've been putting some energy into marketing my prequel novella through newsletter swaps and group promos with the aim of drawing in new readers for my series. And trying to get more reviews for my back list through BookSprout.
Which brings us back to the blogging update.
[Pauses to drink some coffee, then takes a deep breath.]
I've been terrible at blogging lately. And not just posting regularly here on this blog, but also visiting my blogging buddies. I need to do better. I almost didn't post today, but I knew that if I didn't, I'd be missing out on connecting with the wonderful folks I've met in the writing and blogging community.
Okay, enough about that. Let's talk my weird and wonderful (and slightly scary) google search history. Over the past few months, I've searched for various ways to kill people, how to get away with murder, and what knife and gunshot wounds look like. I've also researched various diseases to give to my characters. Odd how my job is to take all of that horrifying stuff and work it into a lighthearted cozy mystery. You wouldn't really think "cozy" and "murder" go together, but somehow they do.
On the weird side of things, my current work in progress features pub trivia contests so I've been googling for weird facts. Did you know that it's illegal to duel with water pistols in Massachusetts? Or that Oscar the Grouch used to be orange?
I'll do my best to visit folks and comment, but it may take me a few days as I need to get some serious NaNoWriMo words written as I'll be distracted for a good chunk of the month while I'm visiting family.
What weird and wonderful things do you google?
Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - pop by and say hi!
Get a FREE copy of Robbery at the Roller Derby by signing up for my newsletter HERE.
Or you can buy a copy for 99c/99p at your favorite retailer HERE.
Also available in paperback and large print.
This prequel novella is set around twelve years before Murder at the Marina and tells the story of Mollie's roller derby days and how she and Scooter met. Find out more at
22 October 2019
Wordless Wednesday | Snowbirds
Wordless Wednesday is supposed to be about posting a photo(s) without any words. But, I'm a rule breaker, so here are a few words:
1 - Snowbird season is upon us. People are driving down south in their RVs looking to spend the winter in a warmer climate.
2 - It's getting harder to find a parking spot at Walmart these days.
3 - RVs come in all shapes and sizes, just like people.
4 - If you had to describe yourself as an RV/camper, what would you say? Are you more of a travel trailer kind of person? An Airstream? A luxury motohome? A converted van? Or something else?
What words does this picture(s) bring to your mind when you look at it?
For more Wordless Wednesday fun, click here and here.
Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - pop by and say hi!
Get a FREE copy of Robbery at the Roller Derby by signing up for my newsletter HERE.
Or you can buy a copy for 99c/99p at your favorite retailer HERE.
Also available in paperback and large print.
This prequel novella is set around twelve years before Murder at the Marina and tells the story of Mollie's roller derby days and how she and Scooter met. Find out more at
21 October 2019
Dogs & Cats On Boats
Because we don't have a real-life cat or dog aboard our sailboat, I have to get my fix other ways. My Mollie McGhie Sailing Mystery series features a Japanese bobtail cat named Mrs. Moto and I occasionally blog here about an imaginary cat named Simon, but it's doesn't always hit the spot.
So I do what you'd expect - watch a millions cat and dog videos on YouTube. But I also read other sailing and cruising blogs / sites in order to live vicariously through their boat dogs and cats. I thought I'd share some of those links with you in case you're thinking of having a furbaby live aboard your boat or just enjoy looking at adorable pet pictures.
MJ Sailing
One of my favorite boat cats is Georgie from MJ Sailing. I've kitty sat her a number of times while Matt and Jessica were at Indiantown Marina (you can see some of my pictures HERE.) Check out their YouTube channel and Facebook page and see if you can spot Georgie walking on her leash in ports of call or hanging out on deck.
The Boat Galley
Carolyn Shearlock not only is a guru when it comes to all things galley-related, she also has an adorable dog named Paz. She has a bunch of great resources for keeping a dog on board including:
Dogs on Boats 101
Boat Dog Food
Flying with a Small Dog
Denali Rose
Bill and Donna sail their Nauticat 43 in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. They have two super cute cats - Gus and Elsie - who feature regularly in their blog. Here are a couple of my favorite cat-related posts:
Kitty Mom - check out the cute shark bed
When it Happens - the time Gus fell in the water
Something Wagging this Way
Honey the golden retriever is sailing along the East Coast of the States with her humans. She shares info about dog-friendly places to visit and dog training tips and tricks. There are lots of fun and informative posts including:
Boat Dog: Everyone Should Have One
Taking the Dog for a Walk at Anchor
Bailey Boat Cat
Bailey is a gorgeous Siamese cat who sailed in Europe and even has his own book. I believe Bailey is now a land-lubber, but there is a new canine crew who are equally adorable. Check out their blog and Facebook page and be prepared to say "aww" a lot.
Do you have any dog and cat-related sailing blogs and resources to share? Leave a link in the comments and I'll add them to the list.
Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - pop by and say hi!
Get a FREE copy of Robbery at the Roller Derby by signing up for my newsletter HERE.
Or you can buy a copy for 99c/99p at your favorite retailer HERE.
Also available in paperback and large print.
This prequel novella is set around twelve years before Murder at the Marina and tells the story of Mollie's roller derby days and how she and Scooter met. Find out more at
16 October 2019
Wordless Wednesday | Archery
Wordless Wednesday is supposed to be about posting a photo(s) without any words. But, I'm a rule breaker, so here are a few words:
1 - I think archery may possibly be the coolest sport in the world.
2 - I'd only be successful at it if they made the target a whole lot bigger. Hitting that tiny bullseye seems tricky.
3 - We were biking when we saw this taking place. We made sure to go the other way. I think it would hurt if a stray arrow hit you.
What words does this picture(s) bring to your mind when you look at it?
For more Wordless Wednesday fun, click here and here.
Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - pop by and say hi!
Get a FREE copy of Robbery at the Roller Derby by signing up for my newsletter HERE.
Or you can buy a copy for 99c/99p at your favorite retailer HERE.
Also available in paperback and large print.
This prequel novella is set around twelve years before Murder at the Marina and tells the story of Mollie's roller derby days and how she and Scooter met. Find out more at
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