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Paul at Lat43 does these hysterical Morning Tea blog posts which are a brain dump of whatever pops into his head while he's writing them. I decided to steal his idea. Except, I'm drinking coffee while I write this and he drinks tea, so it isn't really stealing, is it?
So, here we go - all of the random nonsense floating through my head while I sip on my morning coffee.
- I love Rhys Darby. What? You don't know who he is? Your life is lacking a bit of *sparkle*. Go out immediately and procure Flight of the Conchords and then watch this episode of the X-Files.
- Yes, I've finally caught up with the rest of the world and watched the tenth season of the X-Files. I have mixed feelings about it. Some episodes were great, some were a bit less great. I'm feeling that way about the current season as well.
- Guys swear a lot when they're working on boat projects.
- Yeah, I know. That's stating the obvious.
- I'd like to suggest some alternative adjectives that they might want to use instead of swear words. They could say something like:
"The *sparkly* transmission fluid leaked all over the *sparkly* engine room again! I'm tired of this *sparkly* boat!"
I bet by the time they uttered the last *sparkly* they wouldn't be able to keep a straight face and the problem wouldn't seem half as bad as it did before.
- That's the thing about living in a marina - you hear everything. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to learn sign language, if you don't know it already. That way you could swear about your latest boat project without causing parents to cover their kids' ears or have a fight with your partner without everyone pretending they can't hear you.
- My sister used to know sign language. I wonder if she still does.
- I haven't had to use my air conditioner in weeks. I could do without the near-freezing temperatures that we've had on a few nights, but the mild days are pleasant. Yep, there's a reason why people spend the winters in Florida.
- I've been seeing pictures of cute kids all bundled up in snowsuits playing in the snow up North. They look so happy. I used to be one of those kids. Now I'm one of those adults who would be happy to never see snow again.
- I looked back at the last Morning Coffee post I did. I complained about the cold then. Well, isn't that boring. Maybe every time I want to talk about being cold, I should just use *sparkly* instead. It would be far more interesting.
"I'm so tired of this *sparkly* weather. Why is it so darn *sparkly* out there? I don't want to have to put on a *sparkly* coat and go out in this *sparkly* weather again!"
- I just googled how to say cold in American Sign Language. It's a fun sign.
- A bee buzzed around inside my boat the other day. Bees scare me. Honey good. Bees not so good. I put a blanket over my head and hid until it left. Yep, I'm that much of a baby.
- I've never been stung by a bee. What if I'm allergic? I really don't want to find out. Probably less because of the reaction and more because my medical insurance deductible is really high.
- To make the sign for bee, you make like you've been stung on the cheek and then bat the bee away. If I was in charge of making up signs, I'd have one where act like you're putting a blanket over your head and cowering in fear.
Okay, that's enough ramblings for today. I'm off to find some bread so I can have some toast with honey.
What did you think about over your morning cup of coffee, tea or other favorite beverage? What did you have for breakfast?
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Somehow sparkly just doesn't quite cut it...
ReplyDeleteI reviewed X-Files today and yeah, there was a big miss with the first episode.
Yeah, somehow I can't imagine "sparkly" catching on.
DeleteI hope I remember this cold weather when I'm sweating in June. :)
ReplyDeleteI stepped on a bee once. Not fun.
Yes, I should try to not complain and enjoy the cold weather cause it's gonna get really hot soon.
DeleteIn the last month, we have used 4 months of cooking propane in our heater. In Florida.
ReplyDeleteWe once heard radio calls going out to "sparkle muffin". Made me laugh!
Sparkle Muffin - love it!!
DeleteSparkly might not have enough oomph! I was stung by a hornet a few years ago and my hand swelled to the size of a tennis ball. No fun! I'm enjoying the snow as we don't get it here very often, but I'd enjoy it more if the schools didn't cancel at a few flakes on the ground!
ReplyDeleteOoh, your hand swelled up that much? I would not have liked that!
DeleteCold pizza. That's what's for breakfast aboard Cambria. It was "sparkly" in a good way!
ReplyDeleteCold pizza is always a good breakfast choice. Nice to "see" you, by the way. I've been wondering how you've been and what you've been up to.
DeleteLots of random thoughts here. I had to laugh about the marina and everyone hearing everything. It's ever so true.
ReplyDeleteThis morning coffee thought was my mouse is dying. I was trying to play a game and I couldn't move the cards correctly. Hooked up a new mouse and I'm back in business.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
There is very little privacy at a marina :-) Glad you're back in business with your new mouse.
DeleteRhys Darby is the best. I love the Flight of the Conchords episode where he sings. His voice is fantastic and if that’s not his real voice I don’t want to know. We have FOTC dvds on board. We know all the words to the scripts. Mel is our favorite character. Also when we pull into sn anchorage snd there are too msny boats we say ‘too many dicks on the dance floor ‘. I’m so excited you eould understand the reference.
ReplyDeleteMel is a fantastic character! I'll have to rewatch FOTC. It's been a while and I could always use a good laugh.
DeleteMy morning coffee was spent worrying about my car which is misbehaving and needs to go to the garage on Wednesday. Is this the end of the road?
ReplyDeleteOh, no :-( I hope the repairs aren't too expensive.
DeleteI need to see the Sign for Cold. Anything that's fun is exactly what I need.
ReplyDeleteI checked out a number of signs - they're all so interesting. And many of them are quite fun to do.
DeleteI have friends visiting Florida from Alaska, it's warmer here than there. The pipes in their Florida condo froze and broke, I say, just come home. I dislike the X-files, all episodes. I've had my coffee, now it's time for Cheerios.
ReplyDeleteWow, now that's just crazy that Alaska is warmer!
DeleteI'm in such a hot weather at the moment down under that I'd love the cold for one day!
ReplyDeleteWithin a few months, I'll be complaining about the heat and dreaming of these cold days we've had :-)
DeleteI like this random rambling. It's fun. I used to know ASL, but only have some of the basic signs now. I'd like to take an actual class (learned it as a kid because my mom cared for a boy who was deaf.)
ReplyDeleteGlad you found it fun. Sometimes, I worry that people just think I'm bonkers. Which I am. I just was hoping no one would realize that.
DeleteI'm boring. Usually my morning coffee thoughts center on what I have to do in a day and the order in which I'll do them.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't sound boring, that sounds very organized and focused, which is a good thing.
DeleteFun post! And you're totally right... drinking coffee vs. drinking tea is completely different... :)
ReplyDeleteYou've never been stung by a bee? Ever? Wow. I've been stung so many times, it's like the buggers are on the look-out for me. Same with mosquitoes. And if I lather myself with bug repellent, they evidently consider it a nice finishing sauce.
I'm hoping to continue my record of not being stung by a bee for a very long time. I've given up trying to repel mosquitoes. Nothing seems to deter them.
DeleteMy random reactions to your random thoughts...I've never seen an episode of X-Files...I hope I didn't swear outside your boat working on the sail cover today...I'm pretty sure I heard a woman being pleasured in the middle of the afternoon at the marina yesterday...Can't the weather in Florida find a happy middle ground while we're here...
ReplyDeleteWhen I read your comment, I spit out my coffee because I was laughing so hard. So, there's a bit of "afternoon delight" going on over there on the floating dock? Scott has a great story about overhearing something similar at a marina in Madeira.
DeleteSorry about that! Hope you didn't get your keyboard wet! Wasn't on the floating dock actually...it came from across the way. Would love to hear Scott's story sometime!
DeleteI love X-Files (well, the old ones...haven't caught up on the rest) and Flight of the Conchords! Also, randomly, I have an old travel journal from nearly a decade ago when I was visiting New Orleans (where we're anchored now). In it, I was much younger and trying to figure out the meaning of life. I posed the challenge to the Universe: send me a sign! Walking through the French Quarter, I began to notice that an inordinate number of people were suddenly using ASL. It was a convention. The Universe is funny.
ReplyDeleteWow - that is a very cool coincidence / sign from the Universe.
DeleteI haven't watched the new X-Files yet. Is it worth it, or will I just be disappointed?
ReplyDeleteThis was a very entertaining post. I'm sure my version would be quite boring, worrying about my never-ending to-do list. But I did have a great breakfast today. I made wild blueberry pancakes and bacon for brunch with the Beautiful Brit.
Honestly, I'm not sure the new X-Files is really worth it. If I had to pay to watch it, I probably wouldn't.
DeleteBut, pray tell, who is the Beautiful Brit? I'm intrigued. Is this a British person who is beautiful or someone whose name is Brittany or the like?
I have a never-ending To Do list. I avoid thinking about it by writing posts like this.