Flashback Friday takes place on the last Friday of the month. The idea is to give a little more love to a blog post you've published before that maybe didn't get enough attention, or is something you think is still relevant or even a something that you really love and want to share again.
Many thanks to Michael d’Agostino for starting Flashback Friday and inspiring me to go back and revisit some of our earlier blog posts.
This is a flashback to when we were anchored at Kawau Island in New Zealand. The weather was getting to be a real drag and we were stuck in that anchorage for ages. Fortunately, we spotted some wallabies one day when we went for a walk which cheered us up. Which, of course, led to the question - "Can wallabies be litter box trained?" If they can, they sure would make a great addition to the crew.
{This post was originally published in March 2014. You can find the original post here.}
Wallaby spotted on Kawau Island. So cute! They were introduced in 1870 by the Governor of New Zealand, Sir George Grey, along with other exotic animals. Sadly, they are now considered to be a pest which negatively impacts on native flora and fauna and the Department of Conservation and other landowners are trying to manage their population. You can help by adopting a wallaby and having it live on your boat! |
I’ve been trying to convince Scott for a while now that we absolutely need a cute little dog on our boat, but sadly I haven’t been very successful yet. Every time I bring the subject up, he gets all Mr. Spock logical on me with seemingly rational arguments such as the fact that there are lots of countries you can’t easily bring a dog into.
But his biggest argument is that you have to cart your dog on to shore to do their business. His favorite refrain is, “Are you going to get in the dinghy when it is pouring down rain and blowing a gale and take the dog to shore? Hah, I didn’t think so! There won’t be any dogs on our boat because I’m sure as heck not going to get stuck rowing the mutt to shore every day.”
Fortunately, I’ve found an even better idea for a liveaboard pet – a wallaby! I figure if I can litter box train one, then Scott can’t possibly say no to having one on board. And because they can stand on their hind legs, when we get to a new port we can put clothes on our little wallaby and pass him off as a human crew member. Animal immigration problem solved! And the icing on the cake is the fact that wallabies can jump and they have a built in tool pouch. Something wrong up the mast? Get your wallaby to jump up there and fix it with the tools they carry around in their handy pouch. Much, much easier than getting a clumsy human to climb up there.
Last time we were at Mansion House Bay in Kawau Island, we caught a glimpse of the wallabies that live there. We’ve been there many times previously, but have never seen them before. It was amazing! They look so cute and their fur seems so soft and I just wanted to grab one and cuddle it. Unfortunately, they’re fast little buggers and they jumped away before I had a chance to say hi and ask them if they know how to use a litter box. Scott seemed really interested in the wallabies, so once I solve the litter box issues, I’m pretty sure he can’t possibly say no to having one on board.
I’m really grateful we had some wallaby sightings, because, frankly I was getting really tired of Mansion House Bay. We have spent far too much time there hiding out from various blows and desperately trying to escape. I can hear you saying, “Are you nuts? Mansion House is a beautiful, iconic New Zealand spot. I would love to go there!” And, yes, if you haven’t been there before, by all means you should head up there and spend a couple of days exploring the nature reserve and the Mansion House grounds. But, if you’ve ended up spending around eight days in a row there trying to escape (with only a quick run to Gulf Harbour to reprovision), then you’ve probably seen it all and done it all. But of course, every cloud has a silver lining and for us, it was when we caught a glimpse of the wallabies on the island.
I’m also really grateful for things like wallaby sightings, because without these amazing moments, I think the setbacks we’ve had with the weather so far might do my head in. We counted up how many days so far this summer that we’ve spent hiding out from a blow (either in a marina or at an anchorage) and the number is quite depressing.
Intellectually, I know that the weather really does dictate what you can do and where you can go. And, I know people end up waiting weeks for the right weather window to make a passage. But we’re just doing coastal cruising, so I never expected that the weather would have such an impact on us. If the wind isn’t blowing a near-gale or gale, then it is blowing from the completely wrong direction to go where we want to get to. And, then there is the swell – it either is way too high for our tiny boat and/or crashing into us beam on. And on those days when you can’t stand the weather or the boat anymore a cute little wallaby to cuddle sure would make all the difference.
So if you have any experience training wallabies to use a litter box and jump up to the top of the mast, please let me know. Also, feel free to email Scott and tell him that having a dog or a wallaby or even a cat on board would be a great idea! I’m sure he’ll listen to you!
Anyway, here is what our week up in Kawau looked like. Other than the wallabies, not too exciting.
Monday, 17 February 2014
After making a run from Great Barrier to Kawau the previous night and getting in around 11:30 pm, we had anchored down near the Kawau Yacht Club. It is a big anchorage, which we know well, and we figured it would be easiest to park the boat there in the dark. But it turned out to be a bit roly-poly, so we decided to move the boat over to the more protected Mansion House Bay in the morning. The only other big event of the day was having a solar shower. Scott helps me wash my hair because the solar shower can be a bit fiddly to use. Honestly, I never thought it would come to this…I can’t wash my hair without my husband’s help. That’s living on a boat for you.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
We ran out of eggs and cheese. These are two essential staples in our diet and we ended up getting stuck with eating things out of cans we’ve been avoiding so far. And they tasted terrible. {Note to self: never, never, never try to make a pasta dish out of cream of mushroom soup and canned chicken again.} Fortunately, wallabies were sighted!
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
We ran out of water in our bladder. Not our actual human bladders, but the water bladder under the settee that we use instead of a water tank. Hmmm….no funnel to get the water from the jerry can into the water bladder. But, no worries, Scott cleverly cut up a tonic water bottle and turned it into a funnel. Problem solved. More wallaby sightings.
Thursday 19 February – Monday, 24 February 2014
Nothing too exciting happened. And when nothing too exciting happens, you spend a lot of time looking at the other boats which are also stuck in the anchorage. Scott was particularly interested in an older couple living on a boat even smaller than ours. They seem to be a really fit duo – she even drops and raises the anchor herself by hand while he watches from the cockpit. Scott spent the rest of the day trying to convince me that if an old lady can manage the anchor, I can too. I ignored him and daydreamed about wallabies instead. Sadly, no more wallaby sightings.
Eventually, we got a brief break in the weather so we made a quick run to Gulf Harbour to reprovision – more diesel, water and food. And then it was back up to Kawau to wait for another break to be able to head up north which finally came on Monday. We said goodbye to Mansion House Bay and the wallabies and made our escape.
Total nautical miles = 32 (to Gulf Harbour and back)
Number of wallabies sighted = 3
Number of days in Mansion House Bay = too many
What do you think - can wallabies be litter box trained? Would you want one as a pet? Have you ever had an "unusual" pet?
Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - we'd love for you to pop by and say hi!
But what if he was a little clumsy or overeager and kept jumping off the boat?
ReplyDeleteThat is true - probably a good thing that we didn't adopt one :-)
DeleteYup, wallabies are smart enough to read signs. ;) I've never had an usual pet unless you include a rock as something weird!
ReplyDeleteI remember my pet rock owning days :-)
DeleteI never wondered how dogs do their business living on a boat. If you didn't have a handy shore would you even dare fling pooh overboard? I can't see conservationists smiling upon that. What about a bird as a pet? ~grin~ Thanks for telling me about your grocery bag loving cat.
ReplyDeleteWas that a childhood family feline? The fondness for paper sacks reminds me of our sweet Luna. She's been gone three and a half years and I still miss her devoted little soul.
Some are happy to go on deck. Some owners even have a patch of fake grass for them to use. I even know one dog who goes to the side of the boat, raises his leg and pees off of it. Very clever.
DeleteIt was a childhood kitty. She is missed.
I don't know if you can or not. It's worth a try though.
ReplyDeleteI have a pet rock. Does that count? He doesn't say much though. Just lays around doing nothing.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥
Another pet rock owner. I thought mine was fabulous :-)
DeleteI would love a litter-box trained wallaby. But I don't live on a boat so it would be easier for me than for you.
ReplyDeleteI think a wallaby would probably be happier on land. More room to hop about.
DeleteRabbits can be litter-boxed trained, so why not a wallaby?
ReplyDeleteWho knows, it may be possible :-)
DeleteWhat a fun post! Thanks for re-posting.
ReplyDeleteA dog probably wouldn't be the best fit for boat living. Maybe a cat? No need to take a cat ashore to do its business. Then again, cats might not appreciate a rocking boat, and they ralph enough without that added stimulation. You're right. A wallaby sounds perfect! (But you're gonna need a BIG litter box!)
We knows quite a few people with dogs. They do make it work, although I think a cat would make a much easier boat pet.
DeleteImagine if you had managed to adopt a wallaby! You'd have all sorts of stories to tell.
ReplyDeleteYes, I imagine there would be lots of very interesting stories to tell :-)
DeleteI think a wallaby might find a boat a bit … restricting. #killjoy
ReplyDeleteI think you're right. Why live on a boat when you can hop happily around on land.
DeleteYou couldn't teach a wallaby to pee off the side of the boat? :-P
ReplyDeleteIt would be fun and quite an experience to have a pet wallaby, especially on a boat.
I wonder if you could train a wallaby to do that? I guess I'll never know :-)
DeleteAw, I'd love to see NZ and make friends with wallabies. What a great adventure!
ReplyDeleteI think a cat would be a great pet on the boat. Litter box trained and you wouldn't have to worry about the rats.
Wow, you are a commenting fiend! So many comments in one day :-)
DeleteNew Zealand is amazing - hope you get a chance to get there one day.