
12 June 2017

Morning Coffee | Random Thoughts & Oddities

Paul at Lat43 does these hysterical Morning Tea blog posts which are a brain dump of whatever pops into his head while he's writing them. I decided to steal his idea. Except, I'm drinking coffee while I write this and he drinks tea, so it isn't really stealing, is it?

So, here we go - all of the random nonsense floating through my head while I sip on my morning coffee.

  • My legs are always covered with bruises from banging into things on the boat. Scott never bruises, but he always seems to be cutting himself. He’s completely oblivious to the fact that there’s blood running down his arm or leg. “Uh, dude, there’s blood dripping on the floor.” He’ll look down, shrug his shoulders and grab a paper towel to stop the bleeding. Does this happen with other couples – one person bruises and the other bleeds?
  • We’ve been carrying trash around in our v-berth for three weeks now. It’s starting to smell despite the lavender-scented garbage bags I used. Seriously, who knew you could get scented garbage bags? What will they think of next? By the way, the combination of lavender and rotting trash, not so good.
  • I finally used the butternut squash that’s been stored in our v-berth for months. It was still good and made a nutritious addition to some chipotle lentil and red pepper soup I was making. The trash could learn a lot from the squash about how to put up with being stored in the v-berth without making a big stink about it. 
  • The weather has been great while we’ve been cruising in the Exumas. I probably shouldn’t have said that. The weather gods have heard me and are probably hatching up evil plans having to do with high winds and torrential downpours. Quick, find some wood to knock on before I completely jinx us. Come on everyone, all at the same time - knock, knock, knock. Hopefully that will do the trick.
  • We snorkeled over a sunken plane the other day. I thought the fish swimming around inside it and the coral growing on top of it was pretty neat until Scott told me that there was a shark nearby. To my credit, I didn’t do my usual flapping around and screaming routine. I guess that’s some sort of progress in the whole shark paranoia thing I have going on. Although, in my books, sharks = justifiable paranoia. 
  • Some friends of ours had a rat swim over and board their boat during a big squall up in the Abacos. That would be my worst nightmare. No, actually, my worst nightmare would be a shark giving a ride on his back to a rat and ferrying him over to our boat. 
  • I only have two books left to read on board. I need to find a book exchange pronto and trade out some of my paperbacks for new ones. 
  • I love our wind scoop. It was a gift from some friends. One of the best gifts ever. {For those not in the know, and why should you be, I didn’t know what a wind scoop was until we got into boating, a wind scoop is made out of nylon fabric which you tie up over your hatch and which directs the wind down and into your cabin and keeps you from getting hot, sweaty and cranky at night when you’re trying to sleep.}
  • We’ve gotten a little blasé about homemade bread. Who would have thought that freshly baked bread would become so routine?
  • We’re out of crackers. 
  • If you take a can of chicken salad, doctor it up with minced onion, garlic and curry powder, Scott will eat it. He’s not a big chicken salad fan, so I consider this a victory. It’s good on crackers.
  • Did I mention that we’re out of crackers?
  • Someone underestimated how many crackers we would go through.
  • On the bright side, we have more than enough coffee to last us for the next few months. Coffee is probably more important than crackers.
  • Speaking of which, it’s time for a coffee refill, so I’ll leave you with one last thought…buy more crackers than you think you’ll need. 

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  1. Snorkeling over a sunken plane would be cool.
    I think it would be worse if the shark boarded with the rat.
    My wife bruises, I just get bit by every bug on the planet. I hate the great outdoors.

    1. There's times when I hate the great outdoors too, especially when the bugs start biting :-)

  2. A shark, a rat and not enough books? Not even the extra coffee would help me through that.

    1. I know - things are getting tough on Tickety Boo :-)

  3. A shark, a rat, not enough books and no crackers. You need to fix some of these things pronto.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. We found crackers! The crisis has been averted :-)

  4. Just don't run out of coffee! That would be the worst.

    I imagine I would be one big bruise after a week on your boat. I'm close to that right now.

    1. I've lost count of how many bruises I have on my legs :-( They're starting to meld into one another.

  5. The good news is Jacobs crackers are pretty cheap (comparatively!) I have lots of bruises and Matt has lots of bleeding...and he always shrugs and doesn't know why he's bleeding. I don't like chicken salad unless it's curried. Then it's pretty good!

    1. We scored a whole bunch of cream crackers at Georgetown. Relatively cheap - about $1.80 a pack.

  6. This was a pretty entertaining post. Hopefully the rats are not in cahoots with the sharks to menace your boat!

    1. Always be suspicious if you see a rat and shark together :-)

  7. LOL hope you can stock up on some crackers soon!
    I definitely bruise a lot (especially at work) but my husband isn't as accident prone as me.

  8. I'm forever getting bruises on my shins from climbing in and out of the boat, but David is the true injury magnet. He's at that phase in life where the slightest touch can result in a cut or a bruise. I like to tell him that he's "thin skinned" now, but he doesn't think that's very funny. I have no idea why. ;-)

    Stephanie @ SV CAMBRIA

    1. Hmmm....can't figure out why he doesn't find that funny either :-)

  9. We usually have one entire cabinet for crackers - but still we end up having to mete them out. Wow - I have never seen a rat in the Bahamas. When I used to ride the train in Atlanta, I did enjoy watching them scurry around the train tracks. Swimming rats are bad.

    1. I never even thought about rats in the Bahamas until that happened to our friends (it was Wind Spirit). Just one more thing to worry about :-)

  10. I bruise, Mike bleeds. It must be a thing. Also you cannot be too careful around sharks. There was an article in the news today about a NorthCarolina woman who just got bitten by a shark while snorkeling in the bahamas. I don't want to be alarmist, but NOOOOO!

    1. I saw that story. Very sad about what happened to her. I know some people are find swimming near sharks because they're just nurse sharks or the like, but it's not for me.

  11. We have the same problem: I am covered in bruises and Rich cuts himself and doesn't notice he's bleeding. I guess it's nice to know we're not alone in our injury patterns. We also ran out of crackers! Who knew we would go through so many?? Maybe because I'm like Scott when it comes to chicken salad? Great job on the homemade bread. I am not so good at bread baking. Also, just read that a woman had her arm bitten off by a shark in the Bahamas. I'm sure there's more to the story, but be careful out there!

    1. So interesting to hear from folks who have the same bruising/bleeding injury patterns. I never thought we'd eat so many crackers. Maybe it's because they're an easy snack at the end of a long day.

  12. Another couple of he bruising and bleeding variety. I'm constantly finding streams of blood down my arms and legs, sometimes dried for hours, and Hong (my wife) is constantly wondering aloud where this bruise and that bruise came from.

    Care to share your bread recipe? One would think if you can make bread, why not make crackers?

    1. I get most of my bread recipes from The Boat Galley cookbook. It's a great reference book to have on board. Never thought about making crackers. Great idea. I'll have to look into that.

  13. Wind scoops are great, especially at anchor. Mark gets cuts easier than me as well (this might be related to him doing all the hard boat work), but we both acquired plenty of bruises while living on our boat. Some cracked nails are only healing now, two years after leaving Irie! Nice that you have so much time to read!!

    1. Wind scoops are the best - can't imagine we'd survive without ours.

  14. Cuts and bruises, we call them "love bumps"

    Mark and Cindy
    sv Cream Puff

  15. I bruise and bleed enough for both of us. Guess who's the clumsy one?

    1. I'm the clumsy one too. I'm surprised I don't bleed more.

  16. I knocked on wood! Good weather for you. And you're right, coffee over crackers, unless they are those Trader Joe's pita bread crackers, and maybe even then. Also, I'd send you some clever paperbacks to read, but I don't have your address. Oh, that's funny right there.

    1. Thanks for knocking on wood :-) Trader Joe's pita bread crackers sound amazing. We're all out of fun snacky food that you can get from places like Trader Joes :-(

  17. I bruise all of the time, and usually have no idea how I got it. I love crackers and cheese, so sorry you have run out. I vote for no sharks, no rats, and no smelly trash!

    1. I'm thinking I should get a sharpie and annotate the bruises on my legs so I know where they came from.


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