
22 October 2018

To Do & Not To Do Lists

We've been working on our >>Boat Project To Do List<< lately. Not actually working on any of the tasks on the list, mind you. More trying to figure out what we need to do vs. what we'd like to do and how much time, money, and aggravation each thing is going to involve.

I've toyed around with various ways of categorizing our To Do Lists in the past. Some of you may be familiar with the following system:

  • Very Boring
  • Extremely Boring
  • Need to Win the Lottery First
  • Avoid at All Costs

You'll notice there aren't any categories for "fun and exciting tasks" or "easy to do tasks" or "costs nothing tasks." That's because this is a boat we're talking about.

This year, I've decided to try a new system out:

  • Keep the Boat Afloat
  • Essential Bodily Needs
  • Stuff that Makes the Boat Go
  • Making Life More Pleasant
  • In Your Dreams
  • Not To Do

The first category is pretty self-explanatory. Ideally, you want your boat to stay on top of the water, not sink to the bottom of the sea. You'll find things like identifying the mysterious leak on our boat and servicing our thru-hulls in this category.

We've all got basic bodily needs and function and that's what the second category is all about. #1 on this list is fixing our marine toilet (or replacing it with a composting head), followed closely by installing a new stove so that we can keep our bellies happy.

A boat is of no use if it can't get anywhere so there's a lot of stuff we need to do to make sure Tickety Boo can go related to the engine, steering system, sails etc.

Then there are the things that make life more pleasant. These aren't essential, but the world would be a happier place if we ticked a few of these off our list. Personally, I'd love to have shelves in the hanging locker in our aft cabin and we really could do with revarnishing a number of things. A watermaker would be awesome too.

There are a number of things we'd love, but unless we win Mega-Billions this week, they're just going to be things that we just dream about.

The final category is my favorite - things Not To Do. This includes things like NOT getting frustrated working on the boat and NOT forgetting to have fun.

Do you use To Do Lists? How do you categorize them? Do you have a Not To Do List?


  1. I'd be too tempted with that Not To Do list. I'd want to put everything on it.

  2. I think I need a "Fun Things to Do List." It would include buying books (and actually reading them!), eating chocolate, binge-watching TV, napping.... How fun would it be to check things off that list?! Although, maybe that should be an ongoing list.... :)

  3. I loved your acronyms in your last book. I'm sure I'll like them in your next book.

    I don't have a to do list, but hubby does. He sticks to it too. I do things when I feel like it and most of the time I don't feel like it.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. I'm with you on the not feeling like it most of the time :-)

  4. I love the labels you use for your list. I have many to do lists. I really need to organise and categorise them better. But, oh wait, that's another thing to do! lol

    1. I like that idea of putting "Organize To Do List" on my To Do List :-)

  5. Here's a list heading you forgot - Stuff that could be fixed but I don't want to because I rather be cruising and besides it can limp along on Band-Aids forever or until I get so sick of it I finally fix it and then coincidentally decide to sell the boat.

  6. A Do Not Do list sounds like such fun, i think i will make one of those.

  7. Oh dear, Yes, I am a to-do list junkie, but they are not categorized other than to assign dates when they should get done and then whether they are a task to be done or an item to be bought.

    The more complex tasks are put into projects – No project has ever been totally completed, I don’t think. There is always one last task in a project.

    Currently the Caro Babbo list has 322 items on it, 59 of which are overdue. (I use a product called 2Do for my todo lists.)

  8. My hubby is very organized and systematic with his to-do lists, but the only list I make is for going shopping. I list items by store, beginning with the one farthest away and working my way back home. It includes a list of coupons and amounts, too. Other than that, I usually try to organize chores in my head. Rarely do I write them down.

  9. I'm a big fan of to-do lists. I have tons of lists--Mac's Notebook feature is very handy for keeping them organized.

    Never thought of a "not-to-do list," but I have an "not important" list, which I guess comes close.

  10. I laughed out loud at the 'keep the boat afloat' one. The 2nd list is definitely more fun...even when the items on it aren't. And no. No more lists for me ;)

  11. Hubby and I were talking last night about how much it takes to keep a house from rotting. Thank heaven we can afford to hire folks for most big projects. But we didn't win the big lottery either. ~grin~ Happy Sailing!

    1. Sadly, we didn't win the lottery either. Oh well, there's always next time :-)


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