
09 January 2019

Wordless Wesnesday | Rubber Duckies

Wordless Wednesday is supposed to be about posting a photo(s) without any words. But, I'm a rule breaker, so here are a few words:

1 - I love my mom's sense of humor. When I was visiting her last month, we set out these adorable rubber duckies around the spa pool at her building.

2 - I suspect that the rubber duckies are meant for when grandkids come visit their grandparents, but we're both young at heart.

3 - Which one is your favorite? I think the pirate ducks is pretty cute.

What words does this picture(s) bring to your mind when you look at it?

For more Wordless Wednesday fun, click here

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  1. I have a small collection of various rubber turtles that I've collected over the years. Our school district has a rubber turtle race each February to raise money, and you receive a turtle if you donate. I wish I could send these to your mom. She would enjoy them.

  2. That's funny. I'm sure you gave the next people to visit the spa a big smile.

  3. Love it! They are so full of personality and fun!!! :)

  4. How fun is that?! I had no idea there were so many versions of rubber ducks. :)

    1. Me either. I was amazed to see how many different ones there were.

  5. lol I've never seen so many different rubber ducks. The one behind the pirate looks sad :( and cute!

  6. How fun and I too love your moms sense of humor. I love them all.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. ♥

  7. Those are so cute. I wonder how many are Bath & Body Works duckies?

    1. Oh, good question - I'll have to ask my mom to investigate :-)

  8. Heeheehee! That's my kind of sense of humor!

  9. They're adorable. About ten years ago, our friends in Tennessee had a party in which everyone got a rubber duck to release at the top of their creek. The ducks were done up like all the military branches. Really cute! None of those ducks ever showed up. I reckon some kids must've found them and had a blast. :)

    1. So cute! I bet those ducks have stories to tell about where they ended up.

  10. For sure the pirate duck!! What a face!! Arrrrhh!!

    LOL....thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

  11. Very cute indeed.
    Me personally? I choose the one with the Mercury outboard motor on the back but I'm assuming you've borrowed that one for a time. :D
    Nice Wordless Wednesday, Geoff.

  12. I'll have to go with Donald. He stands out in his snappy sailor outfit!

  13. Those are all adorable! I love that they were available for you to put out like that. :)

  14. That's hilarious and fun! That pale blue one is my favorite, the shade reminding me of something from childhood. Happy Writing!

    1. Interesting that the color reminds you of something from childhood. I'm intrigued :-)

  15. What fun! I love them all.

  16. The Santa rubber ducky was lots of fun! The duck parade made me smile!

  17. Quite a variety of duckies! I like the pirate, too.

  18. The ducks are terribly cute! Your mom is such fun! And the pool is beautiful. Sounds like you had a good visit.

    1. The pool area is great, but my mom never uses it. I think I'd be there every day.

  19. I absolutely love rubber duckies. I used to have an awesome set of Halloween ones that were adorable.

    The Santa one gets my vote. Hope the kids loved them!


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