
29 October 2018

The Travel Bug

You know what's great about Facebook? It's chock full of distractions!

Wait a minute. . .maybe that's not such a great thing. I should be focused on boat projects and writing projects. Instead I find myself discovering new sites and rabbit holes to waste time on. Like MapLoco's cool site where you can make maps of all the places you've visited. You can fill them out for US states, Canadian provinces, European countries, or worldwide.

I couldn't remember what states I've been to, so I filled out the worldwide map instead. In my defense, I only spent about ten minutes doing it, so it wasn't too much of a distraction. But then I ended up daydreaming about places I want to visit for a good three hours, so that was pretty distracting.

I'm thinking we need to set our sights on filling in the blank parts of the map. There's a lot of countries left to visit.

Do you like to travel? What's the most interesting place you've visited? Where do you want to travel to next?


  1. Wow! I never even heard of Côte d'Ivoire, but guessed it to be on the African continent. I won't bore you with answers, though I would like to visit Greece. (I'm not holding my breath) Be well!

    1. I don't think many people will have heard of Cote d'Ivoire so you're not alone :-)

  2. You're way ahead of me but my map would look a bit better after next month when we visit Canada.

    1. The big countries like Russia and Canada make the maps look more visited than they are. Enjoy your time in Canada :-)

  3. I do love to travel. I just need more time and money...

    1. Time and money - we could all do with more of those :-)

  4. Travel is such fun, i'd love to see Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

  5. Hubby and I used to like to travel, but at our ages we've decided to stay closer to home. Short trips that don't make you travel all day long or longer. We've done that.

    Kauai Hawaii was or favorite place to visit.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. I've been to Hawaii once. Would love to go back one day.

  6. I want to visit Alaska. The only countries on your map I've been to are US, Canada, & Mexico. Pretty limited, huh?

    1. I'm with you on Alaska - I'd love to visit there one day.

  7. This is mine:

    You have me beat by a bunch – I only count countries that I’ve stayed overnight in, so a change of planes at Norita doesn’t count. There also seem to be a few more countries than I remember, like the country of Puerto Rico. ;-)

    I’ve been to 49 of the fifty US states. The plan is to sail to Hawaii in 2019 to make an even fifty.

    1. Spain is missing from my map! Oh well.

    2. Awesome that you're going to sale to Hawaii! What a great way to tick that fiftieth off of the list.

  8. Wow! You've covered ground and sea! I'm a little travel mouse, which makes being on a farm for these few years a little frustrating in that respect. But it will change again :) Most interesting place, I've been too- Dugi Otok in Croatia. We did a 'Robinson Crusoe' vacation for a week. That area is a boater's paradise with the water and islands. :)

  9. Wow! You get around-round-round-round, you get around! It's awesome that you've seen so much of the world. There are a kazillion places I'd love to see, but my hubby isn't all that keen on ever getting on an airplane again, so it isn't likely we'll be seeing much more of the world than we've already seen, which is fine. My favorite place we visited was Hawaii.

  10. And that's why I try to avoid Facebook. :-) Not that I'm focusing on writing or camper projects either, though. We are sightseeing like crazy, but mostly in states and provinces I've already been before. The exotic is calling my name as well. I could daydream about new destinations for hours, like you. Many countries on your map have been filled in for me, but I"d like to get back to seeing more new territories, instead of sticking to North America...

    1. Facebook is responsible for many lost hours in my life :-)


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