
15 October 2018

Morning Coffee | Random Thoughts & Oddities

Paul at Lat43 does these hysterical Morning Tea blog posts which are a brain dump of whatever pops into his head while he's writing them. I decided to steal his idea. Except, I'm drinking coffee while I write this and he drinks tea, so it isn't really stealing, is it?

So, here we go - all of the random nonsense floating through my head while I sip on my morning coffee.

  • I'm drinking iced coffee this morning while running my air conditioning full-blast. Yes, it's still hot in southern Florida even though it's mid-October. Looks like we're in for another real feel temp of over 100 today. 
  • When you start dripping sweat the minute you go outside, it's hard to get into the fall spirit. All everyone seems to be talking about on Facebook these days is pumpkin spice this and that while wrapped up in adorable sweaters and scarves.
  • I don't really like pumpkin spice flavored things. I wonder if there's a support group for people like me? Everything seems to be pumpkin spiced these days. They probably even make pumpkin spice toilet paper.
  • The annual migration of the snowbirds has kicked off. People are starting to head back to the marina to get their boats ready to head off to the Bahamas and beyond.
  • We had our first Indiantown Party Posse get-together last night of the season. My friends brought delicious homemade treats to share. I let Walmart do my cooking for me. I really need to up my game when it comes to potlucks.
  • I've got a lot of bug bites on me. I really should stop itching them, but I can't seem to help myself.
  • I saw a giant black spider running across my bed last week and dive under the mattress. Man, that thing can move fast. Normally, I'm kind of okay with spiders, but it's possible this was a black widow and I'm not okay with having that share my bed with me. I haven't seen it in a while, so hopefully, it's found someplace new to live. In them meantime, I sleep with one eye open.
  • The new marina cats are so adorable! I wonder if they would be interested in hunting down a spider.
  • I borrowed a friend's dinghy yesterday to clean off the side of my boat. It looks so much better now that it's back to its original white color, rather than the green hue it had developed with all of the Florida mold growing on it. It will probably turn green again in a couple of days.
  • I seem to know that names of all of the dogs at the marina, but I struggle to remember their humans' names. Why is that?
  • Time for some more iced coffee.

What did you think about over your morning cup of coffee, tea, or other beverage of choice?

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  1. Iced coffee this morning here, too! And the a/c was running last night. I just keep reminding myself that I'd rather have the a/c on than the heat, rather have sand than snow. :)

    I don't like pumpkin flavor, either. Can I join your support group?

    1. Please do join - it's good to know I'm not alone in this!

  2. I don't care for the pumpkin spice stuff either. Just give me a cup of coffee without any flavoring and I'm a happy camper. I'll to the meetings with you.

    I don't like spiders around my bed either.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Ellen. ♥

    1. Another non-pumpkin spice fan. This support group is getting bigger by the minute :-)

  3. If it makes you feel better it likely wasn't a black widow. Black widows are VERY rarely found out of their webs.

    It was more likely one of the myriad types of funnel web spiders (which seem to spend an inordinate amount of time out of their webs).

    1. That makes me feel a lot better! I'm going to choose to believe that. I'll sleep a lot better operating under this theory :-)

  4. We are finally starting to get some fall temperatures. About time!
    Maybe you should bring one of those cats on board and see what he finds. Might annoy Simon, but that would be a bonus.

    1. I think if I brought them on board, they would never leave :-)

  5. Arkansas was like that 9 months out of the year. You'd step outside and instantly start sweating. I don't miss it a bit.

    1. Yeah, I'm with you there. I do miss four proper seasons.

  6. These stream of consciousness kinda posts of yours are really entertaining. :)

    Nope, I'm not a fan of pumpkin-spiced stuff, either. The world does seem to go nuts with it this time of year, but I suppose it could be worse. Just think how weird it would be if the rage were liver-flavored seasoning.

    We had a few days of glorious autumn-like temperatures, but today, we're due to set yet another record for high temperatures. (sigh) But autumn WILL be back... right? Right. I hope it visits you soon, too.

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is not a fan of pumpkin spice. I had been feeling like I was in the minority on that.

  7. Glorious autumn day here today. The sort of temperatures I can deal with - mild, and no dripping sweat.

  8. It's much easier to call the people "Fido's mom" or "Fluffy's dad" than it is to remember people names, and i have no idea why.

    1. Strange that I pay more attention to animal names than people ones. Probably says something about me :-)

  9. It was only 3 or 4 days ago that I ran my air conditioner (almost 90 degrees outside) and right now, I'm sitting in front of my fireplace with a chilly 42 outside. No fall for us. But then, we only had 2 days of Spring this year too. What a silly year. Your busy boat season is about to begin, isn't it?

  10. I wanna be in the support group too! Halloween has only recently got huge here in the UK but at the moment pumpkins are everywhere! We're even going to pick a pumpkin with our Grandsons at the weekend. It'll be fun spending time with the little ones but I won't be bringing a pumpkin home. As for the spider - yuk. Like you I'm usually fine with them - will catch them and put them out but would not be happy knowing one was around my bed.

    1. This support group is getting huge! Pumpkin picking with the grandsons sounds wonderful. I imagine you'll get some adorable pictures of them sitting in a pumpkin patch.


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