
02 April 2018

Month In Numbers & A To Z Challenge {B Is For "Bilbliófilo" - Bibliophile}

In my ongoing efforts to learn Spanish, I'm highlighting a different Spanish word every day during April as part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I'm also sharing the random thoughts that pop into my head when I try to pronounce them.

Today's post is a bit different, as it's also our regular monthly update in numbers. I chose today's Spanish word, >>bibliófilo<< (bibliophile), because I read a few books during March as part of my Goodreads challenge.

So without further ado, here's the usual photo collage and some random thoughts about today's word and what I got up to last month:

Clockwise from upper left: (1) tree in your cockpit - sure sign you haven't been cruising in a while; (2) fun with a friend's drone; (3) watching the thoroughbreds train at nearby Payson Park; (4) impulse shopping for brandless food; (5) celebrating St. Patrick's Day with potato nachos; and (6) working on promo stuff for my book release.

It's been a pretty quiet month, focused primarily on writing-related stuff. I've been gearing up for my book launch (more on that on Wednesday) and there's been so much stuff to figure out and get set up. So, unless you want to hear about cover design, vendor accounts, formatting and the like (trust me, you don't), then this will be a short and sweet monthly update.

  • 24 - Number of days I wrote during March. We had a monthly writing challenge as part of the Women Who Sail Who Write Facebook group I'm part of. Such great support and camaraderie from the ladies in that group.
  • 12,000+ - How many words I wrote during March. Many of them were for blog posts (for both this blog and my author blog), some were edits to >>Murder at the Marina<<, and some were for the first draft of >>Bodies in the Boatyard<<. Not as many words as I had hoped.
  • 12 - How many books I read. 4 were for the Around the World in 80 Books challenge, 1 sailing-related, 3 mysteries, 1 sci-fi/fantasy, 1 suspense, 1 horror, and 1 non-fiction.
  • 2 - How many cookies I ate. After doing FebFast last month, I've really fallen off of the healthy eating wagon.
  • 3 - The number of challenges I mention in this post. There should be some sort of challenge for how many challenges you can mention in one blog post.
  • 21 - How many days I went walking. We've got a little ladies walking posse going at the marina, which helps keep me motivated, although I don't go as often as I should. I guess I could have lied and told you I walked every day this month. How would you know the difference?
  • 1 - Number of lies I told on this post. Can you spot it?
  • $170 - How much I spent on groceries.
  • 1,200 - How many pounds a thoroughbred horse weighs. One of the highlights this month was watching them go through their paces at a nearby training centre. They move so fast.
  • 7 - How many saints share feast days on March 17th. St. Patrick gets all the attention, but did you know about St. Gertrude, the patron saint of cats? It's her day too. We had a get-together at the marina to celebrate all things Irish. Sadly, there weren't any cats invited.

In case you missed them, here are some of our favorite posts from last month:

Morning Coffee | Random Thoughts & Oddities
Boat Cards & Memories of Meeting Fellow Cruisers
The Importance of a Cruising Community When You're Not Cruising

How did last month go for you? What are you looking forward to this month? What's your favorite word that starts with "B"?

Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - pop by and say hi! 

Check out the other folks participating in this year's Blogging from A to Z Challenge here.


  1. Only two cookies? Yeah, you fell off the wagon... ;-) It's great that you're learning a new language. Can't wait to learn new words with you :-)

    1. Hmmm...it might be possible that that's the lie :-)

  2. March went by in a flash. It rained most of the time too. Spring has finally arrived and we've paid our taxes for this quarter. So, we're looking forward to doing some boating. Lots of boating.

    Have a fabulous day, Ellen. ♥

  3. Ha nice catch up but 2 cookies? Really? I wouldn't even begin to count the ones I had last month!

  4. My mom's a bibliofila as well. That woman reads more books in a week than I manage to pick up in a year. But she's old-school and will only read real books, not e-books -- I love that about her!

    1. I resisted getting an e-readers for ages, but now that I have one I really like it. Although it's not quite the same as real books made out of paper with pretty covers.

  5. Bibliophile works for me. Is that 2 cookies per day or per hour?

  6. Obviously my favorite B word is BOOK!

    And I think you lied about 2 cookies. Because you sound like you overdid it, and really, 2 cookies in a month would not count.

    And muy bueno for learning Spanish :)

  7. Bibliophile is a wonderful word! :)
    I loved the pic of your book!

  8. I didn't realize you were attacking the A to Z challenge again. I'm looking forward to your posts. Also, we spent $170 dollars on groceries for this week alone. Our fault I guess, having teenagers in the house. ;)

    1. Oh, yeah, teenagers will do a number on your grocery bill. I'm surprised it was as low as that.

  9. This is a fun post! Did you lie about the cookies? I would! One of my favorite B words is buffaloed.

  10. No one would consider 2 cookies as falling off the health bandwagon, so I'm saying that one. Congrats on the upcoming release! I'll be sure to make a shout-out to the world.

  11. >>tree in your cockpit - sure sign you haven't been cruising in a while

    LOL ain't that the truth!


    1. The funny thing (or not so funny, I guess) is that there's more than one tree growing on that boat.

  12. Bibliofilo - even I can remember that. My problem has been hot cross buns. I only eat half at a time and give the other half to my other half.

    1. I love hot cross buns! I haven't had one in so long.

      BTW - do you have a blog? Nothing comes up when I click on your profile.

  13. That’s an excellent Spanish word for someone who both sails and writes. The problem with cookies is that no one stops at just two.

  14. Sounds like a very productive March. Best of luck with the book launch!

    1. Well, to be honest, I could have probably been more productive :-( Thanks for your kind words about the book launch.

  15. You crack me up. 'Can you spot the lie?' Congratulations on the book release!

  16. Never lie about cookies, even if Simon tries to get in on the act. As for 'bibliófilo', I'm impressed - by the number of books read and the variety. So, my word for you today is 'increíble'.

  17. Cookies. No one can stop at two. I'm well experienced in that area! You did awesome with reading this past month. I'm keeping up with my Goodreads challenge, but I slowed a little.

    1. I think I'll be slowing down on the challenge over the next month or so too. And of course, no one can stop at two. It's like some sort of natural law or something :-)


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