
07 April 2018

G Is For "Gato" {Cat} | A To Z Challenge

In my ongoing efforts to learn Spanish, I'm highlighting a Spanish word every day during April as part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I'm also sharing the random thoughts that pop into my head when I try to pronounce them.


Today's Spanish word is >>gato<< (cat). And here are some random thoughts:

1 - Yes, I'm a crazy cat lady. In fact, one of the few Spanish words I already knew was >>gato<<.

2 - You'd think that we'd have at least a dozen cats, given how often I talk about them on the blog. But, alas, we don't and there are no plans to get one. Finding room for a litter box on our sailboat isn't going to happen.

3 - I kind of went overboard with all of the cat pictures on today's post. Of course, if you're a crazy cat lady (or gent), you'll completely understand.

4 - If you want to see more of my Crazy Cat Lady blog posts, just click here.

Do you like cats? What's your favorite word that starts with "G"?

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Check out the other folks participating in this year's A to Z Blogging Challenge here.


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Of course, you have Simon the Time Travelling Cat as well. Maybe he wouldn’t pose.

  2. You already have Simon and he's gato enough for everybody.

  3. Those gatos are adorable.


  4. I'm a cat lady too. If I weren't allergic I'd have cats. Many cats.

    I linked this post to Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. ♥

    1. I'm allergic to cats too :-) Probably a good thing I don't have one right now.

  5. The letter G? Hmmm . . . that's a tough one. I guess it would have to be "Gardiner" but that's not very exciting. I do like gatos and always had one until Miss Sally came into the picture and showed me the err of my ways: Dogs rule! ;-)

    1. Dogs are great, but they're so much work compared to cats.

  6. I like cats but I prefer los perros.

    I'm also trying to learn Spanish so I'll say gracias - thanks!

  7. Gato is one of the first Spanish words that I learnt as a child. And the calico cat reminded me of our kitty, Willow who we had to leave in Wales.

  8. I remembered that word from high school. ~grin~ The name Gabriel might be my favorite 'G' word. Have you ever seen the horror movie "Prophecy"? That dark take on the angel is out of this world, a favorite performance by Christopher Walken. Be well!

    1. No, haven't seen "Prophecy." I try my best to avoid horror movies. Too many nightmares. I can imagine that Christopher Walken would be very creepy.

  9. Thanks to the children moving out and leaving theirs here, we have seven cats in the house. It would be nice if you could have a ship's cat, but i understand the space considerations.

  10. Greg says if I want a pet on the boat, I can have a pet dolphin, but I guess I'm not going to have a dolphin any more. Perhaps a pet lizard, but I don't think Greg will let him/her in and they have a hard time keeping up with Ballena Blanca.

    Los gatos son guapos!

    1. How about a hermit crab? Tina says that she almost bought one for me.

  11. Meow! Love cats. :) I'd get another if my hubby would let me.


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