
05 April 2018

E Is For "Eslinga" {Sling} | A To Z Challenge

In my ongoing efforts to learn Spanish, I'm highlighting a Spanish word each day during April as part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. I'm also sharing the random thoughts that pop into my head when I try to pronounce them.


Today's Spanish word is >>eslinga<< (sling). And here are some random thoughts:

1 - You have to periodically haul out your boat out of the water for maintenance and repairs.

2 - For bigger boats, you use a Travelift. It has slings that lower into the water, cradling your boat, then lifting it out.

3 - I'm always a bit freaked out when I watch boats being hauled out. How can those slings possibly hold all that weight?

Have you ever seen a boat being hauled out by a Travelift? What's your favorite word that starts with "E" (besides Ellen, of course)?

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Check out the other folks participating in this year's Blogging from A to Z Challenge here.


  1. That's one that actually makes sense.
    I bet you're a bundle of nerves when your own boat is being lifted out.

  2. Of course I adore your name! ~grin~ Hmmm... Maybe 'elephant' because they're such cool animals. Be well!

  3. Ellen was my paternal grandmother's name so I am partial to it, but my favourite E word has to be elephant. My maternal grandma, who's turning 100 this year, has collected them for over 50 years so they're special to everyone in my family (the local zoo even has one named Stephanie).

    1. I remember seeing pictures of that elephant at the zoo :-) I'm assuming she collects miniature elephants and not the real thing?

  4. I can only imagine it's very nerve-racking to watch your boat being hoisted out of the water. However, I'm now wondering how big Stephanie's grandma's house is to hold all those elephants... Extraordinary!

    1. You do worry that the slings are going to break and your boat is going to tumble down.

  5. I've seen our boat being pulled for bottom work and paint. Many times. It's most exciting too. Isn't it amazing how big our boats look when they are out of the water compared to when they are in the water.

    Ellen is my favorite word starting with "E".

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  6. Will you use eslinga in your travels? As far as names, my niece is Evette, usually spelled Yvette, but my sisters girlfriend was Spanish and that is the way her name was spelled.

    1. If we need to get our boat hauled out, "eslinga" will come in handy. I like how your niece spells her name :-)

  7. Oh, you must have felt so upset to see your boat being hoisted out.

    1. It's so strange to watch your boat coming out of the water

  8. I have never seen a boat hauled out with a travelift. On the lake you can get them in and out with a trailer. Weekends In Maine

    1. It's nice to have that flexibility with a smaller boat that you can take in and out of the lake with a trailer.

  9. It's great that you're learning Spanish words each day. By the end of the month your vocab will be greatly improved. When I think of 'sling' I wouldn't automatically think of lifting boats. Great visual...

    1. I wouldn't have thought of boats either when it comes to slings :-)


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