
04 December 2017

November In Numbers

Clockwise from upper left: (1) Women Who Sail Facebook group gathering; (2) Getting girly and painting my toes with a friend; (3) Lizards are everywhere; (4) Dinghy racing at the marina; (5) Setting up for one of the bands during Thanksgiving week; and (6) Editing my manuscript.

It's time for our usual monthly recap by the numbers. November was characterized by two things - writing and having way too much fun. Lots of friends (old and new) are back at the marina and there have been plenty of distractions. I did manage to buckle down and get a lot of editing and writing done. Of course, the flip side of that is that I ignored the boat project list. The weather has also been much nicer here in southern Florida - I've had the air conditioning off and even needed a sweater on occasion.

So, enough with all of those words, here's the usual random nonsense recap by the numbers:

  • 4 - Number of times Taco Tuesday happened this month. Taco Tuesday often continues well into the night (or at least well into the night for cruisers - we tend to hit the sack early) with some of the guys playing music on the patio.
  • 12 - Number of ladies who attended the Women Who Sail Facebook group get together at the marina. Delicious food and drinks, interesting conversation and lots of laughs. A great group of women.
  • 69,337 - Number of words in the draft of my cozy mystery, Murder at the Marina, which I sent out to beta readers this month. The word count is a little shy of what's expected in this genre (70-75k), so I'll need to think about beefing things up in the next round of edits.
  • 5,160 - Number of words I wrote for the sequel, Bodies in the Boatyard, during NaNoWriMo. While I may not have achieved the 50,000 words needed to win, at least I made a start on it. And besides, I was knee deep in editing Murder at the Marina during most of November, as well as setting up an author website. That counts for something, doesn't it?
  • 8 - The number of toes I can get nail polish on. My pinkie toes are weird and hard to paint. Anyone else have this problem?
  • 4 - Number of days of Thanksgiving festivities at the marina. Lots of food, plenty of drink, bands, dancing, wine tasting, dinghy racing and a nautical flea market. I'm going to need all of December to recuperate.
  • 17 - The number of named storms this year, including ten hurricanes. Hurricane season officially ended on November 30th. It was a doozy this year. So glad it's finally over.
  • $148 - How much I spent on groceries this month. Way down from our usual average, due to the fact that Scott is in Scotland, the marina providing so much food during Thanksgiving week, and eating out way too much.

In case you missed them, here are some of our favorite blog posts from last month:

Going for a Crazy Cabbagetown Walk
Seven Days, Seven Black & White Photos and Some Explanation
Marina Life on a Bulletin Board
How did last month go for you? What are you looking forward to this month?

Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - we'd love for you to pop by and say hi!


  1. Sounds like you had a fun month! And well done on the editing and the new words.

    And I agree about the weather here - it's been lovely. Nothing like Christmas shopping while wearing shorts and sandals. :)

    1. Looks like we're going to get a cold front soon. There'll be even more sweater wearing going on.

  2. It sounds like your November was as busy as ours. For December, I'm looking forward to more fun with the family and another delicious turkey dinner.


    1. Enjoy your time with family and the turkey dinner :-)

  3. Great pictures! My pinky toes are like that too. I have barely a sliver of a nail on them. I'm looking forward to a possible white Christmas. The first one in years!

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with strange pinky toes.

  4. Sounds like you were productive with writing anyway. And with eating. Thanksgiving produces so much food, why not spread it out over several days.

    1. My thoughts exactly on Thanksgiving - it should be a multi-day holiday with plenty of food.

  5. We had a great November and so far December is fine too. I'm not a fan of winter, so I'm waiting for spring to arrive. Sometime in February we'll notice that change.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

    1. Winters here are lovely, so much more pleasant than the hot, humid summers.

  6. Yes! I have practically no pinkie toe nail. All of my toes are really tiny and the only time they've ever been painted was when my husband did it for me.

  7. Sounds like you’ve had a fun month too! I think my pinkie toenails are turning into claws 😟

    1. I'm trying to imagine my pinky toes with claws on them. I'll I can picture is some sort of strange cat paw.

  8. Sounds like November went well. Making memories is always fun. :) Making tacos this week, actually, only on Thursday, which is sort of close to Tuesday, right? Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Have a great week!

  9. You sure had a productive month on the writing front, Ellen. Editing, writing, creating an author website, it all counts. Well done! My November was relatively productive for my memoir as well, but... we had our most expensive grocery month ever (if you don't count the boat stock-ups when we were sailing). :-(

    1. You've been doing great on the memoir front! Shame about the grocery bill, but that happens sometimes.

  10. It sounds like November was a super month for you. No complaints here, either. Congrats on getting your manuscript in the hands of your Beta readers. Mine is, too, only my problem is it's too LONG. I've cut a lot from it, but I'll have to wait and see what they think about cutting more.

    May December be even better. It will be for us. We'll be seeing some of our grandchildren for Christmas. :)

    1. I kind of wish mine was too long as I know I can cut quite a bit from it already :-(

  11. Best wishes on publishing! I'm just happy to have written so much last month. My November project reached 50k but is really just scenes. I have never gotten past short stories. But I'm writing for me, so I don't mind. ~grin~ Thanks for the well wishes toward my cats. Sorry about your dread of dentistry. That must be rough.

    1. I think you did great to reach 50k. This was my first attempt at something other than a short story. So hard to make those scenes and chapters connect into one big thing.


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