
04 November 2017

Saturday Spotlight | Book Lovers Day

In addition to the usual blog posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday about our eccentric travel adventures and day-to-day life living aboard a sailboat, I also occasionally post on Saturdays, focusing on things related to writing such as cover reveals, book launches, reviews, interviews with authors etc. So if you're a bit of a book nerd like I am, check in on Saturdays - you never know what might pop up.


It's Book Lovers Day today! Sure, some people might say that you're supposed to celebrate Book Lovers Day in August, but the internet tells me that we can also celebrate it today so I am. Don't you just love it when the internet tells you you're right? Although, do we really need an excuse to celebrate our love of books. In fact, every day should be Book Lovers Day, not to mention Chocolate Lovers Day and Cute Kittens Lovers Day.

So go ahead, get yourself a stack of books, grab your favorite form of chocolate and snuggle up with an adorable kitten and have yourself a good read today.

If you're looking for some suggestions on great books to read, here's a shameless plug for the two Insecure Writer's Support Group anthologies.

This is where the "shameless plug" comes in. The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) has an annual short story contest and I was lucky enough to get picked last year for the Hero Lost anthology. I can't tell you how much it boosted my self-confidence as a writer to be selected, especially given the immense talent of my co-authors. If you're a writer (newbie or established), check out the IWSG - great support and great resources.

For those of you who like speculative fiction and fantasy, then these anthologies might be right up your alley. If you're a fan of mystery/crime/thriller genre, then keep an eye out for the next IWSG anthology which will be published next year.

Parallels: Felix Was Here
Print ISBN 9781939844194
eBook ISBN 9781939844200
Science Fiction/Alternate History

Available at:
Amazon (US)
Barnes & Nobles

Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life
Print ISBN 9781939844361
eBook ISBN 9781939844378

Available at:
Amazon (US)
Amazon (Canada)
Amazon (UK)
Barnes & Noble (print book)
Barnes & Noble (ebook)

The anthologies were published by Dancing Lemur Press, which also publishes some other great books that you might want to check out.

I'm a bit of a sci-fi/fantasy geek, so I really enjoyed Alex J Cavanaugh's Cassa series books. If you like a good space opera with engaging and interesting characters, then this series might be one that you may like too. You can even download the prequel to the series, CassaDawn, for free and try it out. Once you're hooked, check out the other Cassa books on Alex's author page on Amazon.

CassaDawn by Alex J Cavanaugh
eBook ISBN 9781939844354
Science Fiction-Space Opera/Adventure/Military

Free download:
Barnes & Noble

CassaSeries by Alex J Cavanaugh
eBook ISBN 9781939844118
Science Fiction-Space Opera/Adventure/Military

Available at:
Amazon (US)
Barnes & Noble

The Remnant by William Michael Davidson is another one of the books published by Dancing Lemur Press which I've read. It's a cautionary tale of what can happen when freedom of worship and freedom of speech is curtailed. Perfect for those of you who like dystopian thrillers.

The Remnant by William Michael Davidson
Print ISBN 9781939844293
eBook ISBN 9781939844309
Science Fiction/Christian Futuristic Fiction

Available at:
Amazon (US)
Barnes & Noble


Dancing Lemur Press has lots of other interesting looking titles in their catalog. I can't quite decide what to read next. Maybe one of Jolene Nowell Butler's psychological thrillers - Matowak: Women Who Cries and Maski: Broken But Not Dead - or LX Cain's paranormal thriller - Bloodwalker. If you've read any of these or others published by Dancing Lemur Press and have a recommendation, let me know. Check out their website for details of what's on offer. 

Are you celebrating National Book Lover's Day? If so, how? Have you read any of these books? What books would you recommend?

Thanks for stopping by our blog - we love it when people come visit! We're also on Facebook - pop by and say hi!


  1. Hey, thanks for featuring my books! I'm honored.
    Some mighty fine stories in those IWSG anthologies.

  2. Hubby and I are avid readers. We find time every single day to read together. I have my book and he has his and we sit quietly and get lost in the pages. Nothing quite like the smell of a good book.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

  3. Ellen, thank you for featuring some of DLP's books and authors!

  4. I'm a major book nerd, so I think every day should be Book Lovers' Day, too. To prove what a book nerd I am, I've read all of the books you featured today. ;)

    1. Wow, have you really read all of them? That's very cool. It's good to know there are other book nerds out there.

  5. Hmmm, I was at the library on Saturday, celebrating, and I didn't even know it!

  6. It's a great press! I hadn't actually heard of Book Lovers Day, but I agree it should be every day. :)

    1. I hadn't heard of it either until recently. Makes sense we should have a dedicated day to celebrate our love of books.

  7. Lovely post Ellen. I had a chance to celebrate too with one of my new favorite reads. Have a wonderful week!

  8. You are in fantastic company, Ellen! I hope to read the Hero Lost anthology one of these months!

  9. Ooh, thank you for this. I downloaded the freebie sci fi. And you write cozy murders? I may know someone who could get you published with a short in an anthology if you're interested. I met a super nice lady the other day who's always interested in promoting new writers. ~hugs~ Hope you're well!

    1. Yes, please. Love to hear more about the anthology.


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