
15 June 2016

Wordless Wednesday | Naptime

Wordless Wednesday is supposed to be about posting a photo without any words. But, I'm a rule breaker, so here are a few words:

1 - Some people can sleep anywhere.

2 - He might actually be more comfortable than folks trying to sleep in cramped economy seats on a long-haul flight. 

3 - I like to take naps, but I'm often groggier when I wake up than I was before I closed my eyes.

What words does this picture bring to your mind when you look at it?

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  1. I'd say that is bone tired to be able to sleep like that.
    I can't take naps either for the same reason. Plus then I'm up half the night.

    1. I would have to be bone tired too to fall asleep like that, but some people can sleep anywhere.

  2. Poor guy! I'd hate to be the dude trying to sleep while some weirdo takes pictures of me :-)
    Naps make me irritable. I can sleep anytime on passages and ignore the way the boat sounds like it's being torn apart. Needs must!

    1. I know - who was that weirdo taking pictures of him :-)

  3. DanG! I'm dead jealous of his ability to sleep. Unless, of course, he's sleeping like that because he's actually dead.

    1. Fortunately, he wasn't dead when the picture was taken.

  4. Wow, that doesn't look comfortable at all! I wouldn't be able to sleep like that. It never ceases to amaze me how some people are able to sleep just about anywhere! :)

    1. I'm jealous of people who can sleep in any position and fall asleep anywhere. I struggle enough to sleep even in my own bed.

  5. Reminds me of homeless folks. I see a lot of this in my area.

    I'm not a nap person yet, but if I do take a nap I feel worse after the nap than before.

    Have a terrific Wordless Wednesday Ellen. ☺

    1. If I close my eyes for 10 minutes or so I'm usually okay, but if I nap any longer than that then I'm super groggy afterwards.

  6. Homeless. Fisherman. 3rd world country. Those are the things that pop into my mind because of his frailness, no shoes, and state of the wooden wall behind him.

    1. I'm not sure if he's homeless or a fisherman, but the picture was taken in Thailand.

  7. Reminds me of cats! They seem to be able to sleep anywhere in the most uncomfortable-looking positions.

    1. I know, cats can sleep in the strangest positions. They're great nappers.

  8. Ouch! That's what I think of. When he wakes up and stretches.... all his muscles are going to yell at him. I dislike naps, like you I wake up groggy, but I am also cranky. I only nap when I don't feel well.

    Donna/Denali Rose

    1. That's how I know when I'm sick when I want to nap all day long.

  9. That's a great shot, Ellen. It reminds me of traveling in SE Asia and Central America, where people can sleep anywhere, even standing up riding the bus. I am envious of that ability, for sure. I can only sleep in a comfortable bed and I am with you on the nap front. Better not to do it, unless I don't mind feeling crappier afterwards...

    1. My sister is one of those people who can sleep anywhere even standing up. I'm a bit jealous of her sleeping skills.

  10. Back when I was still working, I would fall asleep at the stop light on the way home.

    1. Did the honking of the cars behind you wake you up when the light turned green? :-)


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