
22 December 2014

Hello Scamper!

After our road trip from Portland Oregon to Ray North Dakota, I've learned an important lesson. Middle age, winter weather and sleeping in a tent don't mix. After seeing so many adorable tiny campers, we decided to get one too. Meet Scamper, our 13' Scamp travel trailer! 

We picked her up in Minnesota last week. Brrrr! With more snow on the way, we drove a lot of miles to outrun the latest winter storm and are now in Texas to begin the next phase of our road trip - the search for our next sailboat! We're going to start off looking in the Houston area and then make our way eastwards over to Florida and up the East Coast. 

Keep an eye out for Scamper and us on the road and say hi!

Also, apologies in advance - posting and responding to comments etc. may be intermittent. Our computer is still broken and finding an internet connection isn't always easy!

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